IMG_0518As our children get a little older, they become more and more curious about what’s going on around them in church – they want to understand at a deeper level what it means to be a Baptized Christian person.  That’s where Confirmation/Renewal of Baptism comes in.  Here at Redeemer, sixth seventh and eighth graders gather to learn more about what it means to practice their Faith – how to make it more and more personal.  When the two years and a little bit more of discussion and instruction are complete, then candidates are confirmed…that is to say, they stand up and confirm what it is their parents and godparents promised for them when they were baptized.  It’s a dramatic and awe inspiring moment – when we hear our teens declare for God.  It’s enough to make us all want to stand up and cheer.



Our confirmation ministry will move from the Wednesday time slot to after our Saturday evening worship service on the first and third Saturdays of the month. Sunday classes will be reduced to second and fourth (and occasional fifth) Sunday mornings at 9:30, which is our traditional Sunday School hour. This will allow for students to have an experience of traditional Sunday morning worship, as well as other alternative worship formats, while continuing to learn what it means to be a Lutheran Christian. The Saturday Confirmation class meets concurrently to the Teen Youth, Rascals, and Faithful Parenting Discussion groups after our Family Worship service on the first and third Saturdays of the month at 5:00.